September 10, 2007

Josh Mease

I wanted to title this post 'Josh Mease: "Start Over" (no, not really, just continue... please!), but that's a little long and convoluted for a post title, so 'Josh Mease' it is.

Josh Mease's sunny-go-lucky melodies can't be pinned down to one specific era, present or past, but when I listen I sometimes hear, or feel, an overwhelming golden glow from '70s AM radio. But it's of no consequence where the songs come from, or what they resemble, not when the music itself is so good. Mease has a soft relaxed way around a strong melody and that alone should be enough to spur you, the reader, to listen and then seek out more from him.

And as I stated earlier, please continue, Mr. Mease.

start over [mp3]
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