FEMME GENERATION (yes, another Toronto band), have made me feel just a tad unsure. No, not unsure about my sexual orientation, or even about day to day decisions like what colour socks will I wear and the ongoing debate: toast
vs. bagel? More unsure of my memory, I would have sworn like a sailor on a stack of bibles, that I had done a post on this band...
ages ago. But I can't find it. Of that I'm sure (maybe I should look again because of this I am now becoming usure).
Surely I jest, you say... well, I sure as hell don't. Not when I tell you that Femme Generation are a damn fine post punk band. One which succinctly captures their essence simply by generously offering these influences: The Stooges, Esquivel, Talking Heads, The Smiths, and Curtis Mayfield. There
is a rawness via The Stooges, and caffeinated polyrhythms via Talking Heads, but the high creamy soul of Curtis Mayfield and The Smiths mopiness is not as apparent. But make no mistake this band is right up there with the best of the post-punk bunch in 2006, due to the band's sense of humour and history melded with vocalist Kadosh's familiar and pleasing yelp.
Bernard Kadosh - Vocalist/Guitarist
Aaron Hutchings - Keyboardist
John Rivera - Bassist
Paul Filippelli - Drummer
Brothers And Sisters, Alone We Explode (2005 -
semper fi, little guy+
the good life '77+
heart in stitchesCircle Gets The Square (2004)
seas like stars
When i listern to honestly trudy from Circle Gets The Square it makes me think it could sit bang in the middle of the The Arcade fires funeral and nobody would notice. Along with The Lovely feathers and The Diableros you Canadians are just plain spoilt with good young bands.