Band members are: Stuart Braithwaite [guitar/vocals], Dominic Aitchinson [bass], Martin Bulloch [drums], Barry Burns [guitar/keyboards/flute], and John Cummings [guitar].
*The bands myspace page*
+ drum machine - Rock Action outtake
+ hunted by a freak from Happy Songs for Happy People
+ miracle - Mogwai remix of track from Craig Armstrong's 'As If To Nothing' album.
+ bill is dead - Released on Lost Dog Recordings in 2002 and featuring Stuart Braithwaite & Aidan Moffat.
+ lower - Mogwai's long deleted first single on Rock Action Records.
+ moses - Demo recording of "Moses I Amn't" from Happy Songs for Happy People
+ 2 rights make 1 wrong - ATP version
+ ratts of the capital - live Tokyo 2003
*There are some videos and video interview segments to be seen at Matador Records, all in Real format.*
Stream Go here to steam a handful of Mogwai tracks courtesy of progarchives.com
*Download Mogwai's albums EPs, and singles on Matador and Jetset Records at eMusic* - look into eMusic's Free Trial of 25 MP3 Downloads.
Summer at Shatter Creek (a one man band from Michigan) took the first three songs from Mogwai's EP +2 and adding lyrics recorded the results...
+ christmas song
+ burn girl prom queen
anyone heard Summer at Shatter Creek's (de)mixes of Mogwai classics?
ReplyDelete3 available FREE here:
: k
:k -- they are in the post, well, two of them are linked in this post!