October 20, 2006

+/- {Plus/Minus}


An upcoming release (this October 24th) from NYC band, +/- {Plus/Minus}, boasts a song called "Steal The Blueprints" and it should be heard. From the rumble of the bass, to the crack of the drum kit, to the smooth mellow vocal this song's never boring start/stop vibe meshes beautifully with the final words of the song "... without knowing where you're going".

Here's the song from Let's Build A Fire on Absolutely Kosher.
+ steal the blueprints [mp3]

Find more songs here.

**You can download the album, Let's Build A Fire, at eMusic... get it for free through their offer of 25 FREE DOWNLOADS.

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  1. Anonymous3:31:00 PM

    I heard that song yesterday on KEXP and had to look at the playlist to see who it was. I found out they were playing a show here in Seattle that night but wasn't able to attend.

    And here I am this morning scouring the web for more! Their music is just brilliant and I'm definitely buying the album as soon as possible.

  2. Hey Joey
    That's great to hear. Glad you like the band.
