June 01, 2007

Sufjan Stevens: I'm A 'Believer' Magazine CD Contributor!

The latest music issue from Believer magazine (yes, that's the band Lightning Bolt on the cover and the artwork is done, once more, by Charles Burns) looks like it will give up it's best compilation yet this year. With Sufjan Stevens and Zach Condon (Beirut) both drawing up tracks especially for this CD and great songs like Oxford Collapse's "Please Visit Your National Parks" and of Montreal's "Du Og Meg", this is one to track down at your local indie mag shop. And that's not even mentioning the stellar writing to be found on it's lovely advertising-free pages.

This new song by Sufjan is a rocker. Starting out with a guitar that sounds like something off The Beatles White Album and, well, that tried and true guitar sound continues throughout with Stevens talk-singing and even squealing. It's a good song and worth hearing if just to marvel at the fact that this is the same guy who gave us songs like "Chicago" and "Sister".

sufjan stevens in the words of the governor [mp3]
oxford collapse please visit your national parks [mp3]
of montreal du og meg [mp3]

If you're looking for more you could always visit the hype machine and do some searching.

1. Deerhunter, "Hazel St."
2. No Age, "Everybody’s Down"
3. Oxford Collapse, "Please Visit Your National Parks"
4. Sufjan Stevens, "In the Words of the Governor"
5. I’m From Barcelona, "The Painter"
6. Aesop Rock, "The Next Big Thing"
7. Reykjavík!, "Rex"
8. YACHT, "I Believe In You"
9. The Twilight Sad, "Watching That Chair Painted Yellow"
10. Of Montreal, "Du Og Meg"
11. Page France, "Without a Diamond Ring"
12. Clogs, "I Used To Do"
13. The Blow, "Parentheses" (Rory Phillips Remix)
14. Bill Fox, "My Baby Crying"
15. Explosions In The Sky, "The Long Spring"
16. Magik Markers, "Body Rot" (the no nude mix)
17. The Drones, "I Don’t Ever Want To Change”"
18. Zach Condon, "Venice"
19. Lightning Bolt, "Deceiver"
20. Grizzly Bear, "Easier” (Alternate)"

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