March 12, 2007

Modest Mouse: We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank LYRICS

The lyrics to this album can now be found here at my new blog.


  1. i was born in a factory.
    far away from the milk and TEAT.

  2. Education- all this DOG and pony, we're still monkeys

  3. A few changes to Steam Engenius:

    Far away from the milky teat

    You cheered as I was split in half

    (where chum and nature is..)
    Human nature was installed in me.
    I did what was right, but naturally
    It wasn't natural.

    though not my fault

    (where smoke in my neck..)
    Well, I spoke in binary

    there are other bits that i think are wrong, but i don't know what's right! It's a pity, they are such good lyrics...

  4. Such a great album. I noticed an error, though:

    In "Fire it Up", it isn't 'Is there enough?', it's "Etceteranough". As in, a portmanteau of "et cetera" and "enough".

    It's poetic, or something.

  5. 1. March Into The Sea
    If food do you please
    And you sack all the seas
    And it off
    Suck it off

    should be:
    If food needed pleasing
    You'd suck all the seasoning off!
    Suck it off!

  6. Anonymous11:27:00 AM


    song: Education


    I don't want to know what's "happened"

    like this:

    I don't want to know what's "Ahead"

  7. Anonymous7:53:00 PM

    "Clang clang clang"
    *Clank Clank Clank

  8. In missed the boat, you inserted two ??

    "Of course everyone goes crazy
    over such and such and such
    We made ourselves a PILLAR
    we just used it as a crutch"

  9. Thanks Kerrie,
    And to any and every one who helped set the mistakes straight.
